Leif Andersson Henriksbergsvägen 104 136 67 Vendelsö 2015-03-31 - 2015-05-05

                   MY WORLD-PICTURE

 The world-number

 A finite world can be divided into a finite number of quantas that are so small that they
 only have the properties "position" and "is/is-not". Each position can be given a number and the positions
 can be arranged in sequence to a digital number, the world-number. The world-number is
 a one-dimensional projection of the world. The projection is bijektiv which
 means that the projection contains all the information needed to recreate the object.

 The world-number is a complete and accurate projection of the world. In the same way
 as a television transmitter's one-dimensional signal contains all the information about
 two-dimensional TV images the world-number contains all information about the world.
 But a one-dimensional image gives poor visibility. What is lacking is that
 adjoining positions do not always lie next to each other in a one-dimensional
 picture. In a one-dimensional picture, each position has only two adjacent positions.
 In a two-dimensional image, each position has four adjacent positions. If you project
 a two-dimensional motif onto a one-dimensional picture thus, two of the four adjacent
 positions will no longer be adjoining.

 To project a one-dimensional picture on a two-dimensional picture you can use
 integer division of the position number. You determine a row-length and divides
 the position number with the row-length. Div then becomes y-coordinate and mod becomes
 x-coordinate. If you have chosen the row-length appropriately, then the four
 adjoining positions are restored.

 To get to a three-dimensional picture, you divide by the number of bits per
 two-dimensionell picture. Div becomes z-coordinate. Then you divide mod by the
 row-length for the two-dimensionel picture and get div as y-coordinate and mod as
 x-coordinate. It gives a picture where each position has six adjacent positions.
 For a four-dimensional image, you do the same to get t-coordinate, z-coordinate,
 y-coordinate and  x-coordinate. It gives a picture where each position has eight
 adjacent positions. A four-dimensional picture gives a good description of an event's
 location (longitude, latitude, height and time).

 A quantum can only interact with adjacent positions. It can change places
 with an adjacent empty position. When that happens, the smalest possible event occurs.
 I call it a unit-event UE. Each time a unit-event occurs anywhere in the world the world
 changes. The world-number change because all positions get new unused numbers and the
 world-number is prolonged. I can then define a change-parameter that I call
 parameter-time. The parametertime is incremented each time a unit-event occurs.

 To get a measure of how far from interaction two points are, you can add their coordinate
 differences vectorically. This is called distance between points. Distance change
 divided by parameter time is called speed. One  unit-event means a distance change of a
 position distance and takes one unit of parameter-time. This is the greatest possible speed.
 Thus there is, no infinitely high speed.

 In a world that consists of h quantities, a certain quantity will be moved after
 h unit-events. The movement will be a position distance, that is quantum-step.
 The highest possible speed will then be 1 / h quantum-steps per parameter-time unit.
 That's what we usually talk about as light-speed.


 A certain quantum changes place each time when h unit-event has occured. This
 also applies to the quantas included in what I call "I". There is a
 peculiarity of the world that makes the whole quanta-group that is me
 seem to move in the same direction. And even objects in my surroundings seem to
 move in the same direction so that I think they stand still. Movements are not
 completely random. There is a link between quantum A and quantum B which means
 that if quantum A takes a step in a certain direction quantum B is likely to take
 a step in the same direction.

 For the quantas I consist of, they must move one step when h UE has occured.
 They thus move at light speed and they move mainly in the same
 direction. So I travel with light speed in a certain direction. I can then
 insert a four-dimensional coordinate system and rotate it so that one
 coordinate axis points in my direction of travel. I call that axis coordinate-time.

 Qvanta behaves as if they are floating in a medium that can flow in a certain
 direction. I call this medium "ether". So I hover in and follow along
 an ether in the way as fishes in a river floats in the water and follows the
 rivers water stream.

 It is the ether that causes the connection between cause and effect. If all quantum movements
 happened completely randomly without any connection between them would not exist
 some connection between cause and effect. But the ether means that a movement
 of quantum A increases the probability that a nearby quantity B will move
 in a certain way. The migration of A thus becomes the reason I can predict
 how the movement of B will be.

 A hundred years ago, the debate was lively around the issue "Can the ether coordinate
 quantities at a great distance? ". After much searching, it was found that
 there seems to be no immediate impact at a great distance. The coordination of the
 ether applies only to nearby quantities. One reason cannot therefore give immediate
 remote effect. There is a maximum possible speed for the coordination of the ether
 of quantas movements.

 If an event means that quantum A takes a step in a direction that deviates from
 the main direction, the ether can coordinate the movement of the adjacent quantity B
 so that this also gets a directional deviation. And B can influence C and so on.
 The information about an event that gives direction deviation can thus be spread through
 the ether. And it's not just the leading quantity that can get one
 direction change, even quantities on the side can be affected. This means that
 the information of the direction change is also spread to the sides, i.e. perpendicular
 towards the coordinate time axis.

 One can of course claim that air does not exist. That there are only nitrogen molecules
 and oxygen molecules and that phenomena such as sound should be described as the interaction between
 molecules. But there are some benefits of using the term air and to
 assign air characteristics such as pressure and density. In the same way, one can say that
 there is no ether and that phenomena such as light should be described as interaction
 between quanta. But there are some advantages of using the term ether and
 to assign the ether properties such as capacitance and inductance.

 I sometimes use the word light in the sense of "electromagnetic radiation" and
 sometimes in the sense of "electromagnetic radiation in the visible wavelength range".
 I think it is clear from the context what I mean.

 Light is a fundamental part of the world. That was already realized by the author of First
 chapter of the bible. In the  Book of Genesis the Creation is described by the worda
 "And God Said may there be Light and it was ight".

 For me to know something about an event that occurs remotely some information about
 the event must reach me. I have to be able to see the event in some way. The image
 of the event that the light conveys has proved to be the fastest way that information
 about the event can reach me.

 The ether has inductance and capacitance. This means that Maxwell's equations provide one
 light-speed. Thus, light cannot transmit information faster than the light-speed allows.
 If the sun suddenly went out, there is no way for me to know it until the eight minutes
 has passed that it takes for light to travel from the sun to the earth.

 If I can in no way know anything about an event until its picture
 via the light reaches me, does that event occur when the picture
 leavs it or when the picture reaches me?

 Consider the following situation:

 I project on a rectilinear, right-angled, four-dimensional coordinate system.
 I rate all axes in the same unit, for example, light-tone customers (roughly
 a foot). Nothing happens in y-direction or z-direction and I can therefore
 look at a two-dimensional coordinate system with only x-axis and t-axis. I
 put the t-axis in the direction of the etheric wind. In the starting point at
 the parameter time τ = 0 I am in the origin and an event occurs on the x-axis at the distance x1.
 From the event, a picture is taken which, like me, floats in the air and moves towards me
 with light-speed. When I traveled t 1= x1 the picture reaches me
 at parameter time τ1 when I am at x=0 and t = t1. For me, the event does not occur at t = 0
 but at  t = t1.

  I can't know anything at all about the event until its picture reaches me. I live
  in a world where I only see distant events in the form of the pictures that
  reach me. Thus, in the projection that I see, events are replaced with pictures of
  events. There are not only distance to events but also distance to pictures of events
  The pictures of the events are important. It is when the distance to an event's picture becomes
  zero, ie when t = x1, I get to know about the event. Before that I know nothing about the
  event and nothing about where the picture is.

  Minkowski pointed out that if you use an imaginary t-axis, the usual distance expression
  √ (x2 + y2 + z2 + t2) is replaced by √ (x2 + y2+ z2 - t2). Namely of a "distance" that
  becomes zero when the image appears. I call this distance concept for Minkowsky distance.

  The Minkowsky distance can be seen as a measure of the distance to the picture of the event. But
  it is not a picture traveling along a straight line between (x1 0) and (0 t1).
  It is an image that travels via a circular arc with the center at the origin. But if I
  could decide which way the picture takes, I could say something about it before
  it reaches me. I can't do that and therefore I can use whatever distance I want
  as long as it becomes zero when it arrives.

  If the ether-flow is vortex-free, one can see t as a potential and a
  potential-change between A and B says nothing about the path between A and B.

  At short distances, the picture light transfers can be confirmed by an audio-image or I
  can move to the place of the event to see the consequences of it, but for
  remote events, the light-picture is all I can know about the event. Then I do
  not see a world of events but a world of event-pictures. I live in a projection
  where events have been replaced by event images.

  If a spaceship passes me and holds up a clock and a meter-bar
  the clock runs slower and the meter becomes shorter in my world of event images. If I
  try to confirm this by catching the spaceship and boarding for to
  check the clock and the meter-bar I find that the clock goes as fast as mine and
  the meter-bar is as long as mine. It's only in my world of event-pictures that
  the clock goes slower and the meter-bar becomes shorter.

  But what is the reality? It depends on what I mean by reality.
  I live in a world that affects my senses and it is only through my senses
  as I can form a picture of this world. So for me, the reality is
  the image of the world that my senses give, that is, a world of the
  event-pictures that reach me and affect my senses. For these, it applies that at
  τ = 0 if an event occurs at t = 0 and x = x1 the picture of the event floats in
  the ether-wind and the picture also moves towards me with light-speed. At τ = τ1,
  the picture arrives to the t-axis at t = t1 = x1. I am then at t = t1 and can receive the picture.
  All events that occur at τ = 0 at t ≠ 0 reach the t-axis where I'm not. So I never
  get to know anything about these events. It's just the small part of the world that
  at τ = 0 has t = 0 that I can know something about.


 By speed I mean movement (distance) divided by the parameter time for the movement.

Suppose an aircraft fires a forward directed gun. From the gun, three
signals start, a ball. a sound pulse (bang) and a light pulse (flash). The ball-speed
relative to observer on the ground becomes the sum of the aircraft's speed and the
gun's exit speed. But for both the sound pulse and the light pulse, the speed becomes
independent of the speed of the aircraft. Both sound and light propagate at a rate
determined by the propagation medium and thus independent of the source.

Sound is a mechanical wave motion in a medium that has pressure and density.
The sound speed is determined by the pressure and density of the medium.
Correspondingly, light is an electric wave motion in a medium having
capacitance and inductance. The light speed is determined by the capacitance and
the inductance of the medium. Maxwell showed that the light speed is one divided by the root
of the product of the dielectric constant and the magnetic permeability of the medium.

If I measure sound velocity inside the aircraft cabin, I get the same value as if
I measure on the ground. The reason is that the air in the cabin follows the aircraft and
lies still in relation to it in the same way as the air at the ground lies
still in relation to the ground. But if I step out on the airplanes wing I can
find that the speed of the wind affects the sound speed so that it is different in
the traveldirection  of the plane and in the opposite direction. But that assumes that
the wind is really blowing through my measuring device. I

An aircraft's speed is so much lower than the light speed that it is more difficult
to measure the influence of a vehicles speed on the speed of light but in principle should the same thing
apply also to the light speed. That is, a speed wind in the form of an ether-wind should give
deviations when measuring light speed. But only if the ether-wind must blows through the measuring

The Earth is, as well as anything else floating in the surrounding ether in the same way as a balloon
floats in the air. And in a balloon basket it never blows. That various objects can
move in relation to each other is because different parts of the ether can move
in relation to each other in the same way as the air moves differently in different
points and causes balloons and clouds to move relative to each other.
In 1887, Michelson and Morley conducted an experiment that is sometimes called the world's most
famous failure. They tried to measure Earth's velocity relative to the
surrounding ether. They measured the speed of light in a way that corresponds to measuring
sound speed in a cabin in a balloon basket and of course found that there was a no ether-wind
that affected the measurement.

Through Michelson-Morley's measuring device, no ether wind blows. One way to
enabling an ether wind through the measuring device is to use so remote measuring points
that they probably are not in the same area of the ether. But about distant points
we know nothing but the pictures that reach us through the light. When I measure
distances between distant points, I must therefore take into account the running time of light
and speed, thus I have to use the light speed I would measure.

But if you measure with a measuring device where the medium flows in relation to
measuring device. For example, light speed in water flowing through
measuring device. Should not then the movement of the water affect the light, so-called

In 1851, Fizeau measured the light's dragging in flowing water. He found a dragging
which was dependent on the refractive index of the light, but for n = 1, the dragging was zero.

What happens to the dragging if you see the speed v as a turning of
the coordinate system so that the coordinate time axes form the angle α  so that
v = c sinα ?

The light speed in the xyz line is a vector perpendicular to the t-axis. When turning
the coordinate system the projection in xyz-link becomes c cosα .
The light speed thus changes with c (1 - cosα ). But for small angles
applies that sinα  ≈ α  and (1 - cosα ) ≈ α 2 / 2.
At the small speeds that Fizeau used, the influence on the speed of light is thus
immeasurably small. 

Fizeaus dragging

Fizeau found that the drag in flowing water at the velocity v was v (1-1 / n2) where
n is the refractive index of the water.

This result fits well with the theory of relativity. You put it together with
the speed of the ether in water to v + c / n. One therefore thinks that light has one
speed in relation to the ether (c / n) and that the ether has a speed in
relation to the lab (v). But you do not measure with meter bars and watches
in the water. One must take into account the difference between the lab's meter bars and
watches and the lab's image of the water meter bars and watches. It gives one
length contraction and time dilation. Taking this into account, you get for small
values of v to Fizau's results.

Thus, a relativistic description of Fizau's results do not 
contradict the idea of an ether. On the contrary, it assumes that light propagates in an
ether and that there is no possibility to read meter bars and clocks
without a distance-dependent delay which is the time of light travels in the ether.

But how does it look in the etherwind picture?

In the etherwind picture, speed is not just a vector. An ordinary speed is a 
coordinate rotation. Light speed and water speed are not transformed
in the same way.

The refractive index n means that the direction of flow of the ether in the water forms the angle
β with the direction of flow of the ether in the lab. The angle β is determined by cos β = 1 / n.
The projection of the water's light velocity on the lab's coordinate system is thus
c cos β = c / n.

If you give water a speed, an observer in the water who measures with a 
meter bar and clock in the water will see how the lab coordinate system rotates the angle β + α
where cos β  = 1 / n and c sin α = v. Projection of  light speed of the lab is
then c cos (β + α) = c cosβ  cosα - c sinβ  sinα. For small α, cosα is α ≈1.

The speed v is thus transformed into a dragging of - c sinβ sinα=
- c (√(1 - cos2β))sinα = - (√ (1 - 1/n2)) v.. The speed v is thus transformed
to a dragging with the factor g = - (√ (1 - 1/n2)). But you do not measure in the water
with water meter bar and clock. To get back to the lab transforms
one draws the water's drag as a speed, ie with the factor g
on g2 v = (1 - 1/n2) v. That is, the dragging found by Fizeau.