Leif Andersson Henriksbergsvägen 104 13667 VENDELSÖ 2014-06-19 The etherwind picture ===================== It is obvious that light can travel through vacuum. Thus vacuum has the property of a lightcarrying medium. We need a name for this property. For a couple of centuries we have called it "ether". A good name with no reason for any tabu. But we have reasons to ask: "Which properties belong to the ether?" Maxwell showed that the ether has inductans and capacitans. Michelsson and Morley showed that the ether is not incompressible* . When I use a radar I can see some of the ethers properties. Sometimes "angels" fly over the PPI. Thus the ether has the property to give a noise which means that it has a temperature. The ether can have an acceleration ( gravitation*). The ether has a finite transfer-speed (lightspeed). 1920 Einstein wrote: Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this ether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it. The article can be found at gutenberg.org with Einstein as author. With "the idea of motion may not be applied to it" he means that light does not follow the ether in the expected way. In a wind the speed of sound is the sum of soundspeed and windspeed. The air draggs the sound, so called dragging. 1851 Fizeau measured the dragging of light in flowing water. He found a dragging but it was smaller than expexced. Thus the ether did not move in the same way as e g soundcarrying air. The early years of the twentieth century was a time for new methods for projection of the real world on different metric coordinat-systems. It turned out that it was possible to project on a four-dimensional system in a way that agreed with Fizeaus results if one used a non- orthogonal system, By using three coordinates for space and one for time where the time- axis was not perpendicular to the space-axis space and time became depending of each other. In such a system the distance from an event was replaced by the distance from the image of the event that the light carried. Thus the distance to an event decreased when time increased. That is one way of picturing the reality and it gave new ways to look on a number of phenomenon. But it is not the only projection that gives a good description of dragging. Another possibility is: I begin by realizing that parametertime and coordinattime are two different concepts and I define velocity as change of position divided by the parametertime that change takes. I can then see an ether that blows with the speed of light (c) in some direction. I make a projection on a fourdimensional, linear and ortogonal coordinatsystem with one axis in the winddirection of the ether. I call that axis coordinattimeaxis and the three other axis I call spaceaxis. Since I hover in the ether I follow it in the same way as a balloon follows the wind. Thus I travel with lightspeed along my coordinataxis. If a space-ship passes me with the velocity v the space-ship is also hovering in the ether around the ship. Thus the ether is there moving in relation to the ether around me. The pilot project his reality on the same type of coordinatsystem as I do and finds that everyting looks just the same as it does in my system. The only differens between our systems is that our coordinataxis are not parallel. Around me and around the ship the etherwind blows with lightspeed. I and the ship follows the etherwind. But since the winddirection around the ship differs from the winddirection around me with the angle α I see the distance to the ship change with the velocity v = sin α. What we mean when we say "velocity" is not a discrepency in the velocity of the etherwind but a discrepency in the direction of the etherwind. When I make a projection of the reality that I experience with my senses on the fourdimensional ortogonal and linear coordinatsystem the projection takes only a small part of the system. The pilot can also make a projection of his reality on a small part of the system and tell me what his projection looks like. I can then see that the pilots world is similar to mine but his projection does not coincide with mine. The coordinatsystem spans a world that is much larger than the world we experience and what is outside our experienced world does not seems to be only emptyness. What does that mean???