To describe my world I need units that can be used for measurments.

The French revolution was not only a political revolution. It was also a scientific revolution 
with a change of system for measurments to the meter-system. A question was then how many 
basic units that were necessary to derive all units that were used in practice. The cgs-system 
was created with centimetre, gram and second as basic units. 

A unit for surface was derived as a square with one centimetre side. A unit for volume was 
derived as a cube with one centimetre side. A unit for force was derived through F = m a 
(force equals mass times acceleration) to give the force-unit dyn i e gramcentimetre/secondsqauare. 

The cgs-system had two drawbacks, some units were too smal for practical use and it had two sets 
of electric units one based on  electrostatic force (ese-units) and one based on magnetic force 

From 19xx the cgs-system was replaced with the MKSA-system with the base-units metre, kilo, 
second and amp. When I went to school older books used the cgs-system and newer the MKSA-
system. 19xx the MKSA-system was replaced by the SI-system which almost was the MKSA-
system extended with the base-unit Kelvin for temperature. The SI-system was adopted as 
international standard for measurments.

But are the base-units of the SI-system really necessary as base-units? Is there no  expression that 
links one of them to the others in the same way as area can be derived from length? 

The speed of light in a vacuum with no force-field has turned out to be a universal constant (c). A 
velocity links length to time. Thus we can remove the metre and measure  length in (light)seconds. 
A (light)second is not a practical unit for length since it is too large. But today we often use as 
short times as nanoseconds and one (light)nanosecond is nearly one foot, a length-unit that has 
proven practical for daily use.

If I combine 

    E = m c2    (E = energy   m = mass)

with the expression for energy of a photon 

    E = h f     (h = Plancks konstant  f = frekvens)

I get 

   m c2 = h f 

Mass can then be be given as inverse second. Thus all the three base units of the cgs-system 
can be given as seconds. 

But that is not all. there are more universal constants that can be used to create a measurement-
system. Max Planck showed in 1899 that the five constants c, h, G, ε0 and kB can make a measurment-
system without any arbitrary unit. 

We have
     l = c t 
     F = m a and F = G m m/l2  giving m l/t2 = G m m/l2 giving m = l3/(G t2) 
     E =F l   and E = h f = h/t giving   m l2/t2 = h/t 

In these three equations c, G and h are constants. If I allocate some value to them, e g c =1, 
G =1 and h=1 they give three equations with three unknowns (l, m and t). In SI-units this gives 
the Planck-units for 

    time     5,4 10-44  seconds   =  5,4 10-35  nanoseconds
    length   1,8 10-35 meter      =  5,4 10-35 feet
    mass     2,2 10-8 kg 

To get the Planckunit for charge I put 4π ε0 = 1 and for temperature I use kB =1. 

Mass, length and time are not  independent phenomenon. They are linked to each other which 
hints that they are expressions of something  common. 

When I look upon my world I see a finite world which I can divide into a number of indivisible 
quantas. If a quantum change place with adjacent quantaposition a unitevent occurs. Then the 
parametertime is incremented and the quantum is moved one step in the fourdimensional space.
If the move has the same direction as the quantas that constitute "I" I say that the quantum moved 
one step in the coordinatetimedirection. Thus a unitevent is a unit for parametertime as well as 
a unit for length. 

In my world I have 

    parametertime (π) = the number of unitevents in all universe
    energy (E) = the number of unitevents in a group of predictable unitevents 
    mass (m) = the number of quanta in a group of quanta
    Plancks constant (h) = the total number of quanta in the universe
    periodtime (T) = parametertime, i e the number of unitevents in the universe between two 
    events that  belong to a quantagroup

Between two moves for a quanta there is in average h unitevents in the universe. Thus the 
periodtime for a quantum is h. 

     T = h

For two quanta the time between movment for any of them, i e the periodtime for the group is 

     T = h/2

For a group of m quanta the periodtime is 

    T = h/m    m = h/T    and with   f = 1/T    m = h f

If the total number of quanta in my world is n I put h = n. But a problem is that I do not know how 
many quanta there is in my world. Thus I have no value for n and hence no value for h. I can then 
put h =1 and say that a quanta is 1/n of h. Since I have no value for n I get no value for the size of 
a quantum. And I  lose the possibility of describing my world with integers and only use discrete 

A finit world can be divided in quanta which means that it becomes "grainy". When we formulate 
our universal laws in equations we use correlations for large numbers of quanta. When we use 
these laws for smaler quantagroups we must take into account the grainity of the world and use 
discrete mathematics. Thus we can see some  %symetries and % resonanses that depend on the 
division in quanta. The fact that the Planckunits have distinct values means that they are based on 
some symetry of the world. But it is obvious that the Planckunit for mass is not an indivisible 
quantum. In many cases we use mass smaler than 2,2 10-8. And 2 GJ is  definitly not an indivisible 

To get the Planckunits I put some universal constant equal to one. h is a universal constant and so 
is h/2π and  ε0 is a universal constant and so is 4π ε0. And there are other constants that I can use. 
One of them is the Hubble-constant. 

One way to estimate the size of a quanta is to use the hubble-constant 1,24 10-61/ 5,4 10-44 =  
2,3 10-18 Hz. That gives 

     E =  6,6 10-34  2,3 10-18 =  1,5 10-51  J = 7,5 10-61 Planckenergienheter

The Hubble-constant gives a quanta that is small enough to be indivisible. But such a quanta 
is blunt in time and space. It is so small that I must observe during all the lifetime of the universe 
with an "antenna"  that covers all universe to detect it. If I want to arrange quanta as bits of a 
worldnumber I must use larger quantas that can have more  precise positions in time and space. 

If the world was  perfectly linear all sizes of particles would have the same probability. The fact 
that  there only are a few types of elementary particles hints that the world is "grainy" and hence 
can be divided in quantas. 

The ratio between the circumference and the diameter of a circle is  π which is an 
irrationel number. But on a computer-screen the   circumference is an integer number of pixels 
and the diameter is an integer number of pixels and hence the ratio between the circumference 
and diameter is a rational number. The differens between π and this number is a measure 
of the grainity of the screen, thus of the size of a pixel. 

I can describe my world and all that happens in it  as a function of the parametertime F(τ). 
Then I also have another function of  1/τ that is G(1/τ). If a call 1/τ frequency  f 
then I have a function G(f) that descibes my world just as well as F(τ). And between G(f) and 
F(τ) there is an unambiguous correlation. If I know one of them I know the other just as well.

If I in  F(τ) divide my world in equal undivisible quantas then every quanta will have the same 
frequency as the others, When I then look upon G(f) I see a function around a basic tone, that is 
a function around a carrierwave, a modulated carrier.

When I on a radio turn the tuning button it is silent until I hit a frequency that equals a modulated 
carrier. When I turn the button I can choose between different stations which use different carriers 
and hence can reach my antenna without  interaction. Is my world such a channel around some 
carrierfrequency? What is the carrierfrequency of my world? Is the Planckfrequency 1/(5 10-44) = 
2 1043 Hz the carrierfrequency of my world? Are there other "stations" that transmit 
on other frequencies?

When I look upon my world in this way it is divided into rather big quantas that make up a carrier. 
By modulation of this carrier I can create smaler quantas jst as a highfrequency carrier can be 
modulated by a lowfrequency signal. 

The Planckunit for energy is too large to be a n undivisible quanta but it can be a carrierquanta in 
a carrier that is modulated in such a way that a group of carrierquantas carry a lowfrequency 
signal with small quantas.