
Leif Andersson

Henriksbergsvägen 104

136 67 HANINGE

Tel 08/777 45 33

e-post     leif.andersson@haninge.mail.telia.com

Hemsidor   http://go.to/lean1


My World


I am a world-owner. I own my world just as I own my outboard-motor .

My world will do exactly  what I tell it to do, but I must use a language the 

World understands.

My outboard-motor  will not start if I say “Start” or “Please start”.  It does not 

help if I use Swedish or even Latin or if I start swearing.  It will not understand 

if I wave my magic wand over it but there are rituals that it will understand.  If 

I pull the start-handle in a special way or if I push the start-button the motor 

might understand  what I want and start.

Jesus said “All you pray for you will have”.  When I was a child I tried this and 

found it was bullshit. Obviously I did not get what I prayed for.  But what he 

said was true.  He only forgot to mention that we must use a language that the 

world understands.

We live in a world were events happen.  These events are effects of causes and 

they are causes to new events.  We can see chains of causes and effects. And if 

we follow such a chain backwards we often come to someone who is responsible, 

someone who has used a word in a language of causes that has caused an effect 

that has caused an effect that…………has caused the event.

Sometimes, actually quite often, the world does not do what I want it to.  It 

can make me furious but when I calm down I find that the world did exactly 

what I told it to do.  The problem was that I did not know how to express my 


For some events however we can not trace the cause-effect-chain back to someone 

that can be responsible.  We used to make God or a number of Gods responsible for 

those events.  The more we have learned about causes the less has been left for 

God.  But we have found that there are a number of events that take place at 

random. We can call that God but today we use to call it noise or quantum-


Since the world is finite in time and space there exists a smallest possible 

quantum. Hence we can see the world as a binary memory with 0=no quantum 

and 1=quantum. We can only have “no quantum” or “a whole quantum”.  A 

cause that would give some part of a quantum will give an unpredictable 

result.  We can only tell the probability for a quantum as a result. And 

everything in the world can be broken down to a level of smallest possible 

quanta. At this level absolute predictability does not exist.  Only possibilities 

for “no quantum” (0) or “quantum” (1).  These possibilities might be close 

to 1 but they can never be exactly 1.  So there is always an uncertainty in 

the cause-effect-relation, a room for Gods intervention.

But in our daily lives we work with possibilities that are so close to one that 

we regard them as being equal to one. If we let go of a stone the possibility 

that it will fall upwards is so small that we say that we are sure it will fall 


We have learned more and more about the language that the world understands.

In the Bible there is a story of Elia and the Baal-Priests.  They try to make their  

God lit a fire.  The Baal-Priests use all kinds of non-working rituals. But Elia 

knows  that the ritual of pouring petrol (the spectators believe of course that a 

clear liquid is water) over the fire and then pointing to it with a stick loaded 

with electricity will be understood as a command for fire. Today this is common 

knowledge but at that time it must have looked as a miracle.

We have learned how to make machines that can be used as translators from the 

language we use for thinking to the language the world understands. We have made 

machines that can translate the simple movement of a joy-stick to the movement 

of tons of gravel.

We have also created systems to make people and animals translate our wish into 

actions. One advantage with these systems is that people and animals can understand  

spoken words. We have used Master-Slave-systems and we have domesticated 

animals. But one disadvantage with these systems is that people and animals have 

wishes of there own.  They may not obey orders. We need systems that can transform 

our wishes to their wishes.

Economy is a system for transformation of wishes.  Through the economy I can 

transform  my wish to consume a commodity to the wish of someone to produce 

that commodity.

If we look upon economy in this way we realize for instance that taxes are completely 

meaningless.  Its like a translation-program that add a nonsense-syllable to every word.

Of course we can learn to understand such a language but it does not have any 

advantages over a nonsense-free translation.